I have shared, in some of my previous posts, articles about Arts and Technology.
This new one is about my latest discovery in this field : The Next Rembrandt.
A Rembrandt original painting all made by a machine?
Pushing back the boundaries of artistic creativity with Artificial Intelligence and 3D printing is now possible after the successfully achieved project untitled “The Next Rembrandt”. The concept? Create a new painting in the exact same style of the famous painter Rembrandt with Technology.
For this, a group of engineers, scientists and Art historians gathered together and worked during more than one year on this one-of-a-kind project.
But can a machine reproduce the same style of a painter? Yes. 3D scans, digital files, algorithms, data, advanced software systems, and 3D printers are notably the key ingredients that made this project possible.
What’s next?

For more about Painting, visit my Pinterest board about this beautiful art.