Yesterday I visited the exhibition “Otto Freundlich, The Revelation of Abstraction” at the Montmartre Museum, in Paris.

This exhibition was gorgeous, whether it is on the scenery or how each creation was explained. It was a very intimate exhibition, and it conveyed the messages that this incredibly talented artist shared to the world throughout his work.
It was very personal, deep, and human.
From Otto Freundlich’s art works to his letters and correspondence, to the reconstitution of his personal workshop, this exhibition was a real trip back in time.

Otto Freundlich’s artistic work is outstanding. The colors he used, the shapes he chose, his personal style and signature greatly contributed to the history of abstract art, and it was thrilling to see each detail of his works during the exhibition. Such talent is amazing.

I had already shared in this blog my sensibility to abstract art in my post about Kupka’s exhibition that I visited at the Grand Palais a few years ago. Otto Freundlich’s exhibition at Montmartre Museum is another great illustration of the beauty of abstract art, and how artists use it to express who they are and their beliefs.
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