Can robots be artists?
I mean, real artists, who create unique and innovative art works autonomously?
Yes… No…? That’s a mystery.
I often talk about Arts and Technology in my blog.
How interested was I when I learnt that an exhibition would be dedicated to the ambiguous relationship that exists between Arts and Robots at the Grand Palais.
I thus visited the exhibition “Artists and Robots” to see how they would treat this very subject.
Interesting. This exhibition was interesting.
It showed the evolution of the utilization of technology and robotics by artists from the 50s to today; the artificial intelligence being the epitome of Digital Art.
From machines creating artworks from scratch or reproducing models, to immersive and intelligent digital art pieces, this exhibition proved that the development of technology pushes back the boundaries of creation with artificial intelligence.
I only whish there was the Next Rembrandt masterpiece presented in this exhibition.
For more about Arts, visit my Pinterest board dedicated to this beautiful subject.